


wrapped together 

like two stems 

in a bushel of cherries 
and just as 
just as sleek 

an insatiable craving 
an unfilled hunger 
always wanting 
but never having 

i took king midas by the arm 
then snapped his bone in two 
quickly put his hand on ice 
i knew just what to do 
to claim his gold all to myself 
and all his riches too 

a pond with two koi fish 
circling each other in an endless loop of 
“not now” 
the slowest whirlpool ever made 

the inside of my mouth 
is as red as my vision 
teeth and hands 
clenched as tight 
as my body is wound 
i’m hurting no one but myself 

green eyes 
don’t like what they see 
green eyes 
relish in the view of defeat 
green eyes 
watch as they are sewn shut 

beauty is below the surface; 
lucifer was an angel 
the most beautiful of them all 
but his soul was selfish 
full of hubris and arrogance 
and that was his ultima
te downfall  


i. haven't posted in so long. i keep telling myself i need to continue blogging but here i am, 100% forgetting to post. 

here's some life updates:

-i turned 16 on the 5th. wack, bro.

-yeah that's it, i can't think of anything else. 


tbh i'm kind of thinking of making a new blog? i know that sounds dumb but at the same time, it'll be a fresh start, yanno? 

anyway, that's enough of my ramblings for one day.

stay cool and stay alive,

-kenzie <3

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  1. Ooh, this is so well-written. You have a lot of talent.
    Happy belated birthday! *sends you virtual cake*
    And starting a new blog isn't dumb at all if that's what you want to do.


be kind is all i ask of you.